There are many reasons to come and find out what we're all about.
- You could be a complete novice and want to get the picture you imagined rather than the picture you took.
- You could be confident with your photography and want to discuss your ideas
- You could be a seasoned professional and would like to share your experience with photography nerds like us.
There are many benefits of joining GBPS for the amateur and professional photographer.
- Competitions
- Local and National Exhibitions
- Studio evenings (which include working with Models, Lighting and more!)
- Photographic field trips
- Social Activities (yeah, we mean the pub)
- Friendly supportive club night every week.
- Advice on all things photographic - Camera craft - Photoshop and more!
- Teaching sessions.
We exist only to provide support and entertainment to our members. As a club we're a non profit organisation so can do this very cheaply. Our membership fees are just £30 (half yearly) and a sub of £3 is paid every visit. All in all, it works out at £4.20 a visit which pays for a packed program of entertainment and activities*. We think £4.20 for a night out is exceedingly good value.
We also enjoy some fantastic member benefits such as a 25% off studio hire at a great local studio.
* Some activities such as field trips attract a small fee for participation to cover costs, though these charges are few and far between and of course are entirely optional.
This is how!
Just pop in and visit us on club night. We meet every Thursday night from 7:30 PM for an 8:00 PM start here: -
The Great Barr Club
2-4 Queslett Road,
Great Barr,
B43 6PL
If you require any further details please leave us a note